all postcodes in M12 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M12 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M12 6SB 1 53.467352 -2.218744
M12 6WD 0 53.478303 -2.21187
M12 6WE 0 53.477736 -2.212424
M12 6WF 0 53.477298 -2.210705
M12 6WG 0 53.477988 -2.211823
M12 6WH 0 53.477618 -2.213102
M12 6WJ 0 53.478222 -2.211975
M12 6WL 1 53.477683 -2.211686
M12 6WN 0 53.47751 -2.21274
M12 6WP 0 53.477285 -2.213191
M12 6WR 0 53.476847 -2.211546
M12 6WS 0 53.477135 -2.211563
M12 6JH 65 64 53.470746 -2.214271
M12 6PE 0 53.48111 -2.210181
M12 6BE 1 53.467359 -2.218743
M12 6LY 4 2 53.472113 -2.215274
M12 6LL 0 53.474618 -2.210765
M12 6AB 0 53.480313 -2.20861
M12 6AR 0 53.480825 -2.208643
M12 6AQ 0 53.480618 -2.209079