all postcodes in M13 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M13 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M13 0YN 11 53.454234 -2.210876
M13 0YP 0 53.45546 -2.208413
M13 0YQ 0 53.455883 -2.208385
M13 0YR 0 53.456703 -2.207289
M13 0YS 0 53.456519 -2.209291
M13 0YW 1 53.454587 -2.209101
M13 0ZE 0 53.456651 -2.206175
M13 0ZF 0 53.456525 -2.205993
M13 0ZG 0 53.455091 -2.208833
M13 0ZH 0 53.456309 -2.206278
M13 0ZJ 0 53.455579 -2.207088
M13 0ZL 1 53.455336 -2.206588
M13 0ZN 0 53.454704 -2.209177
M13 0ZP 0 53.455613 -2.208338
M13 0ZW 0 53.455191 -2.208005
M13 0JY 0 53.463445 -2.211615
M13 0ZX 1 53.467343 -2.218744
M13 0ZY 1 53.467343 -2.218744
M13 0FH 1 1 53.459428 -2.221098
M13 0FR 0 53.460632 -2.215816