all postcodes in M13 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M13 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
M13 9GE053.465036-2.216624
M13 9GX053.464557-2.218353
M13 9JD053.465154-2.221264
M13 9HQ053.463963-2.218802
M13 9DY053.465912-2.21872
M13 9DZ053.467061-2.219208
M13 9EE053.463887-2.22088
M13 9EF053.46378-2.220473
M13 9EL053.464957-2.220841
M13 9EP153.468354-2.235079
M13 9EU053.464419-2.220251
M13 9EX153.46638-2.22294
M13 9EZ053.464788-2.21962
M13 9FB053.465115-2.222996
M13 9FD053.46465-2.221381
M13 9GD053.466117-2.220244
M13 9FL053.467097-2.22049
M13 9JP053.465709-2.217742
M13 9FX053.46782-2.221938
M13 9GA053.466224-2.221149