all postcodes in M14 / MANCHESTER

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Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M14 5BJ 1 1 53.454011 -2.224669
M14 5BL 25 0 53.455417 -2.226996
M14 5BP 20 0 53.454105 -2.212562
M14 5BQ 2 1 53.455196 -2.214494
M14 5BR 41 0 53.457808 -2.217777
M14 5BX 233 0 53.45472 -2.214567
M14 5BY 4 3 53.458264 -2.218728
M14 5BZ 60 1 53.456058 -2.214875
M14 5DA 3 1 53.455559 -2.213835
M14 5DB 12 0 53.455012 -2.212748
M14 5DE 3 1 53.454089 -2.211523
M14 5DF 4 0 53.455139 -2.212281
M14 5DG 21 0 53.454882 -2.210413
M14 5DH 19 0 53.454997 -2.211317
M14 5DJ 20 0 53.455591 -2.210687
M14 5DL 14 0 53.456058 -2.2109
M14 5DN 29 0 53.456283 -2.210811
M14 5DP 19 2 53.455636 -2.210462
M14 5DQ 20 0 53.455332 -2.209813
M14 5DR 12 0 53.454707 -2.211555