all postcodes in M14 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M14 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M14 4RT 20 13 53.453193 -2.242916
M14 4RU 42 0 53.452624 -2.243967
M14 4RW 39 0 53.455626 -2.24436
M14 4RX 21 0 53.452634 -2.24362
M14 4RY 16 0 53.452743 -2.243275
M14 4RZ 28 0 53.453865 -2.243673
M14 4SA 35 0 53.454701 -2.243662
M14 4SB 38 0 53.455591 -2.243652
M14 4SL 3 3 53.4576 -2.241721
M14 4SN 22 1 53.456046 -2.24105
M14 4SP 11 0 53.45703 -2.243239
M14 4SS 2 2 53.45811 -2.242144
M14 4ST 2 1 53.457872 -2.244342
M14 4SU 6 0 53.457506 -2.243513
M14 4SW 6 2 53.457354 -2.243331
M14 4SX 20 0 53.456984 -2.243706
M14 4SY 6 0 53.457999 -2.244254
M14 4TE 1 0 53.457863 -2.24475
M14 4TH 5 4 53.456425 -2.244696
M14 4TS 29 3 53.453184 -2.238489