all postcodes in M17 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M17 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M17 8EG 1 1 53.464942 -2.347744
M17 8EH 37 28 53.465649 -2.348805
M17 8PG 2 2 53.467828 -2.356202
M17 8PH 1 1 53.466179 -2.349005
M17 8PL 1 1 53.466179 -2.349005
M17 8RH 1 1 53.470002 -2.360229
M17 8WW 3 3 53.464656 -2.353391
M17 8JL 1 53.463529 -2.345293
M17 8AS 8 53.467053 -2.341962