all postcodes in M17 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M17 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M17 1DQ 1 1 53.464256 -2.309766
M17 1DY 6 5 53.460871 -2.301262
M17 1DZ 12 9 53.464633 -2.309709
M17 1EB 8 8 53.474698 -2.327425
M17 1EE 2 2 53.464666 -2.307329
M17 1EH 42 34 53.469658 -2.333246
M17 1EP 1 1 53.4812 -2.280431
M17 1EU 1 1 53.456765 -2.307603
M17 1EX 1 1 53.46742 -2.291592
M17 1EZ 1 1 53.474174 -2.321861
M17 1FA 1 1 53.456765 -2.307603
M17 1FG 3 3 53.465292 -2.308599
M17 1FP 3 2 53.463817 -2.305214
M17 1FR 1 1 53.475136 -2.321461
M17 1FT 1 1 53.468785 -2.299405
M17 1GP 2 2 53.466344 -2.290937
M17 1HB 1 1 53.474325 -2.315851
M17 1HG 8 8 53.469798 -2.311102
M17 1HH 9 9 53.468802 -2.296483
M17 1HJ 1 1 53.471254 -2.311068