all postcodes in M19 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M19 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M19 3JN 0 53.444885 -2.172242
M19 3JP 21 53.446969 -2.177805
M19 3JQ 0 53.445222 -2.174833
M19 3JR 0 53.446485 -2.176869
M19 3JS 0 53.446541 -2.17553
M19 3JT 0 53.445528 -2.175045
M19 3JU 0 53.445343 -2.172109
M19 3JX 0 53.442831 -2.180951
M19 3JY 0 53.44231 -2.180979
M19 3JZ 2 53.445951 -2.174159
M19 3LA 0 53.444472 -2.183578
M19 3LB 0 53.444059 -2.18335
M19 3LD 0 53.444977 -2.182616
M19 3LE 0 53.444087 -2.183019
M19 3LF 0 53.444132 -2.182522
M19 3LG 0 53.442073 -2.183221
M19 3LH 0 53.442727 -2.183704
M19 3LJ 0 53.442774 -2.182983
M19 3LL 0 53.443075 -2.180425
M19 3LQ 0 53.442685 -2.182727