all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M11 4FH 10 0 53.486722 -2.186518
M11 4FJ 7 0 53.485541 -2.183499
M11 4FL 26 0 53.486176 -2.18531
M11 4FN 13 0 53.485042 -2.186586
M11 4FP 22 0 53.487074 -2.18563
M11 4FQ 8 0 53.486425 -2.18718
M11 4FR 48 0 53.488168 -2.187685
M11 4FS 20 0 53.488672 -2.187416
M11 4FT 1 1 53.487808 -2.187864
M11 4FU 6 0 53.485315 -2.183995
M11 4FW 31 0 53.485435 -2.187673
M11 4FX 20 0 53.486094 -2.185882
M11 4FY 4 0 53.48691 -2.187514
M11 4GA 26 0 53.483955 -2.173953
M11 4GB 10 0 53.483049 -2.172729
M11 4GD 6 0 53.487125 -2.187741
M11 4GE 6 0 53.484775 -2.184807
M11 4GF 10 0 53.486492 -2.184724
M11 4GG 12 0 53.486671 -2.185146
M11 4GQ 1 0 53.486209 -2.187088