all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M11 4PW 28 0 53.482227 -2.168988
M11 4PX 19 0 53.484665 -2.174001
M11 4PZ 30 0 53.483792 -2.174841
M11 4QA 28 0 53.483847 -2.174329
M11 4QB 16 0 53.483911 -2.17344
M11 4QD 25 0 53.483975 -2.172627
M11 4QE 4 0 53.485934 -2.17271
M11 4QF 6 0 53.487994 -2.171709
M11 4QH 4 0 53.487446 -2.17763
M11 4QJ 22 0 53.482432 -2.176584
M11 4QN 6 0 53.487333 -2.175248
M11 4QP 6 0 53.487529 -2.176469
M11 4QS 5 0 53.481872 -2.172438
M11 4QT 12 0 53.481797 -2.174321
M11 4QU 1 1 53.481341 -2.173023
M11 4QX 1 1 53.480602 -2.173004
M11 4QY 17 0 53.482239 -2.173569
M11 4QZ 18 0 53.482527 -2.173435
M11 4RB 11 0 53.482701 -2.175634
M11 4RD 11 0 53.482558 -2.176223