all postcodes in M21 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M21 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M21 0TX 12 0 53.446005 -2.266739
M21 0TZ 10 0 53.446521 -2.261156
M21 0UA 4 3 53.442348 -2.274363
M21 0UB 2 1 53.442419 -2.270088
M21 0UD 30 0 53.44211 -2.272149
M21 0UE 12 8 53.442339 -2.273596
M21 0UF 18 9 53.442318 -2.271518
M21 0UG 13 0 53.444482 -2.264456
M21 0UH 31 2 53.442862 -2.269489
M21 0UJ 21 0 53.442495 -2.268734
M21 0UL 25 0 53.441267 -2.267492
M21 0UN 19 1 53.440953 -2.266842
M21 0UP 26 0 53.44411 -2.266094
M21 0UQ 23 0 53.445063 -2.265965
M21 0UR 20 0 53.4446 -2.263854
M21 0US 54 0 53.44252 -2.265603
M21 0UT 23 0 53.443054 -2.25981
M21 0UU 14 0 53.443641 -2.25888
M21 0UW 7 0 53.443192 -2.266435
M21 0UX 16 0 53.443498 -2.262206