all postcodes in M21 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M21 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M21 8DN 38 0 53.430167 -2.278289
M21 8DQ 1 1 53.437763 -2.27471
M21 8DX 10 0 53.434881 -2.277025
M21 8DY 16 0 53.433785 -2.276822
M21 8DZ 27 0 53.433552 -2.27658
M21 8EA 12 0 53.433818 -2.277785
M21 8EB 14 0 53.4336 -2.279093
M21 8ED 11 0 53.433023 -2.279827
M21 8EE 12 0 53.434151 -2.281475
M21 8EF 18 0 53.434006 -2.282001
M21 8EG 4 0 53.433368 -2.278114
M21 8EH 2 1 53.435783 -2.282676
M21 8EL 2 0 53.43413 -2.278495
M21 8EN 38 0 53.434309 -2.275395
M21 8EP 2 0 53.434021 -2.278901
M21 8ER 8 8 53.434699 -2.273562
M21 8ES 20 0 53.43369 -2.275075
M21 8ET 18 0 53.431909 -2.275455
M21 8EU 16 0 53.43234 -2.275654
M21 8EW 43 1 53.434418 -2.274975