all postcodes in M23 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M23 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M23 1BG 20 0 53.400041 -2.281024
M23 1BH 28 0 53.398345 -2.283434
M23 1BJ 28 0 53.398321 -2.282276
M23 1BL 32 0 53.39809 -2.281237
M23 1BN 22 0 53.399561 -2.282465
M23 1BP 16 0 53.400249 -2.280514
M23 1BQ 16 0 53.399734 -2.281443
M23 1BR 18 0 53.400081 -2.279054
M23 1BS 24 0 53.399612 -2.279818
M23 1BT 16 0 53.399315 -2.279952
M23 1BU 16 0 53.399146 -2.279123
M23 1BW 26 0 53.400163 -2.282544
M23 1BX 20 0 53.396698 -2.280596
M23 1BY 31 0 53.39722 -2.280464
M23 1BZ 18 0 53.396914 -2.280447
M23 1DG 32 0 53.399749 -2.286662
M23 1DJ 38 0 53.395425 -2.279189
M23 1DL 72 0 53.394832 -2.27917
M23 1DN 22 0 53.400547 -2.279764
M23 1DP 14 0 53.40045 -2.286727