all postcodes in M23 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M23 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M23 9BA 0 53.402889 -2.300145
M23 9BB 0 53.404919 -2.300641
M23 9BD 0 53.40062 -2.301708
M23 9BE 1 53.404628 -2.297525
M23 9BF 0 53.39903 -2.301201
M23 9BG 0 53.406332 -2.296063
M23 9BJ 0 53.405483 -2.294312
M23 9BL 4 53.4022 -2.298561
M23 9BP 1 53.402132 -2.296305
M23 9BQ 1 53.405841 -2.295006
M23 9BR 0 53.405914 -2.294345
M23 9BS 0 53.405479 -2.292296
M23 9BT 0 53.405757 -2.292389
M23 9BU 0 53.407057 -2.293992
M23 9BW 0 53.395189 -2.302271
M23 9BX 0 53.406458 -2.292634
M23 9BY 0 53.40654 -2.291973
M23 9BZ 0 53.407207 -2.291195
M23 9DA 0 53.408121 -2.29263
M23 9DB 0 53.407298 -2.29443