all postcodes in M24 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M24 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M24 5GJ 9 0 53.559286 -2.213195
M24 5GL 2 1 53.556716 -2.211958
M24 5GN 22 0 53.558916 -2.214054
M24 5GP 25 0 53.558189 -2.213356
M24 5GQ 10 0 53.557399 -2.212794
M24 5GR 9 0 53.556713 -2.209212
M24 5GS 18 0 53.55684 -2.207762
M24 5GU 6 0 53.556921 -2.208927
M24 5GW 12 0 53.560483 -2.211222
M24 5GX 8 0 53.55667 -2.208397
M24 5JA 10 0 53.559908 -2.201967
M24 5JB 11 0 53.563574 -2.217641
M24 5JD 14 0 53.563674 -2.217249
M24 5JE 2 0 53.563902 -2.204234
M24 5JH 23 0 53.564072 -2.215922
M24 5JJ 12 0 53.56282 -2.217516
M24 5JQ 10 0 53.563533 -2.210741
M24 5JT 8 0 53.563951 -2.208357
M24 5JU 36 0 53.56395 -2.21879
M24 5JW 9 0 53.562869 -2.204699