all postcodes in M25 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M25 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M25 2RF 9 0 53.543509 -2.267804
M25 2RG 8 1 53.54302 -2.269461
M25 2RH 37 0 53.544731 -2.26831
M25 2RJ 17 0 53.544698 -2.267042
M25 2RL 31 0 53.545552 -2.266972
M25 2RN 13 0 53.544573 -2.266619
M25 2RQ 9 0 53.542528 -2.268764
M25 2RS 21 0 53.547973 -2.257253
M25 2RT 32 0 53.54878 -2.258088
M25 2RU 3 0 53.553768 -2.253998
M25 2RW 4 0 53.545106 -2.265128
M25 2RX 42 0 53.548419 -2.25472
M25 2RY 64 0 53.550062 -2.255455
M25 2RZ 17 0 53.549301 -2.253895
M25 2SA 10 0 53.550363 -2.248997
M25 2SB 21 2 53.54984 -2.250035
M25 2SD 32 0 53.549345 -2.250153
M25 2SE 14 0 53.549618 -2.248751
M25 2SF 14 2 53.551018 -2.245484
M25 2SH 5 0 53.550432 -2.245297