all postcodes in M25 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M25 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M25 0FH 37 0 53.524371 -2.256476
M25 0FJ 18 0 53.524874 -2.256811
M25 0FN 5 0 53.522503 -2.255726
M25 0FQ 15 0 53.522343 -2.263342
M25 0FR 23 0 53.521005 -2.258643
M25 0FS 14 0 53.520188 -2.25802
M25 0FT 5 0 53.520176 -2.259513
M25 0FU 16 0 53.519067 -2.256897
M25 0FW 16 0 53.5183 -2.258476
M25 0FX 17 9 53.518836 -2.25911
M25 0FY 30 2 53.519669 -2.264424
M25 0FZ 22 0 53.519168 -2.264152
M25 0GA 12 0 53.52575 -2.254554
M25 0GB 20 0 53.525312 -2.25348
M25 0GD 8 0 53.521237 -2.255085
M25 0GE 1 0 53.526289 -2.250846
M25 0GF 12 0 53.527032 -2.251922
M25 0GG 6 0 53.522331 -2.256253
M25 0GH 2 0 53.52382 -2.256863
M25 0GJ 4 0 53.524699 -2.258439