all postcodes in M27 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M27 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M27 6NP 31 0 53.531355 -2.348802
M27 6NQ 19 0 53.530975 -2.346611
M27 6NR 10 0 53.529922 -2.343992
M27 6NW 23 0 53.532257 -2.350906
M27 6NX 24 0 53.52129 -2.335401
M27 6NY 8 1 53.521551 -2.335478
M27 6FE 2 0 53.520986 -2.334855
M27 6PB 20 0 53.520633 -2.335727
M27 6PD 18 0 53.528495 -2.342955
M27 6PE 12 2 53.525007 -2.336818
M27 6PF 14 1 53.523578 -2.336852
M27 6PG 38 0 53.529492 -2.340263
M27 6PH 8 0 53.529545 -2.340565
M27 6PJ 31 0 53.524908 -2.337149
M27 6PL 4 0 53.525675 -2.336009
M27 6PN 8 0 53.527134 -2.338298
M27 6PP 8 0 53.528232 -2.340811
M27 6PQ 25 0 53.528647 -2.340316
M27 6PR 29 0 53.529019 -2.34216
M27 6PS 20 0 53.529675 -2.342286