all postcodes in M27 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M27 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M27 9LA 17 0 53.510588 -2.353215
M27 9LB 6 4 53.510354 -2.353319
M27 9LD 28 6 53.511052 -2.354063
M27 9LF 13 0 53.511855 -2.353135
M27 9LG 4 0 53.509804 -2.353857
M27 9LJ 34 0 53.510231 -2.352156
M27 9LL 1 1 53.511375 -2.354262
M27 9LN 18 0 53.510655 -2.351572
M27 9LQ 18 6 53.516511 -2.350263
M27 9LS 50 0 53.511194 -2.351863
M27 9PA 10 0 53.512914 -2.353792
M27 9PD 12 1 53.512215 -2.352957
M27 9PE 17 0 53.512511 -2.353367
M27 9PF 15 0 53.512275 -2.353968
M27 9PG 32 0 53.514303 -2.351585
M27 9PH 16 0 53.513331 -2.352559
M27 9PJ 20 1 53.513409 -2.35298
M27 9PL 28 0 53.51412 -2.353199
M27 9PN 17 0 53.514383 -2.352598
M27 9PQ 14 0 53.515393 -2.351219