all postcodes in M28 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M28 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M28 2GG 0 53.500523 -2.364438
M28 2GH 0 53.500152 -2.365083
M28 2GJ 1 53.511523 -2.387815
M28 2GL 0 53.510954 -2.385955
M28 2GN 0 53.509455 -2.385187
M28 2GP 0 53.501544 -2.356517
M28 2GQ 0 53.499778 -2.375692
M28 2GR 0 53.500024 -2.377489
M28 2GS 0 53.499601 -2.380455
M28 2GT 0 53.504043 -2.391078
M28 2GU 0 53.503158 -2.394975
M28 2GW 0 53.508601 -2.385406
M28 2GX 1 53.496975 -2.378064
M28 2GY 0 53.49743 -2.378519
M28 2GZ 0 53.498438 -2.381575
M28 2HA 0 53.496952 -2.376647
M28 2HB 0 53.495921 -2.37599
M28 2HD 0 53.496535 -2.375046
M28 2HL 1 53.502875 -2.385218
M28 2JA 0 53.511326 -2.384827