all postcodes in M28 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M28 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M28 7XN 0 53.509656 -2.403329
M28 7XP 0 53.510042 -2.406167
M28 7XQ 0 53.509863 -2.411217
M28 7XR 0 53.509936 -2.405653
M28 7XS 0 53.51019 -2.404766
M28 7XT 0 53.510818 -2.410457
M28 7XU 0 53.511912 -2.408688
M28 7XW 0 53.509462 -2.402151
M28 7XX 0 53.511852 -2.407647
M28 7XY 0 53.51123 -2.40835
M28 7XZ 0 53.510846 -2.407668
M28 7GU 0 53.518136 -2.390799
M28 7GW 0 53.518256 -2.38988
M28 7AS 3 0 53.511503 -2.396076