all postcodes in M29 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M29 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M29 7BA 0 53.510944 -2.466839
M29 7BB 0 53.511161 -2.466329
M29 7BD 0 53.504247 -2.459966
M29 7BE 0 53.503469 -2.458842
M29 7BF 0 53.500836 -2.46121
M29 7BG 0 53.501902 -2.450322
M29 7BH 0 53.505496 -2.457612
M29 7BJ 0 53.504747 -2.458403
M29 7BL 0 53.505379 -2.460174
M29 7BP 2 53.502196 -2.450913
M29 7BQ 1 53.502144 -2.447958
M29 7BR 0 53.501491 -2.453934
M29 7BS 3 53.500102 -2.455594
M29 7BT 1 53.500946 -2.458287
M29 7BX 0 53.506412 -2.457863
M29 7BY 2 53.500415 -2.458266
M29 7BZ 0 53.501702 -2.46021
M29 7DA 0 53.501225 -2.460521
M29 7DB 0 53.500113 -2.462077
M29 7DD 0 53.499542 -2.460895