all postcodes in M3 / SALFORD

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Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M3 2GP 4 3 53.482387 -2.247438
M3 2GR 1 1 53.481199 -2.248169
M3 2GX 4 4 53.481073 -2.248289
M3 2HW 8 8 53.483061 -2.247698
M3 2JA 25 25 53.483375 -2.247865
M3 2LB 4 1 53.482252 -2.247618
M3 2LG 1 1 53.482535 -2.249639
M3 2LY 10 10 53.482535 -2.249639
M3 2NH 3 2 53.482816 -2.247844
M3 2NU 1 1 53.481413 -2.248863
M3 2PB 3 3 53.481304 -2.249677
M3 2PJ 1 1 53.481834 -2.24983
M3 2PN 6 6 53.481834 -2.249845
M3 2PW 9 6 53.481971 -2.248867
M3 2QG 3 3 53.482217 -2.247346
M3 2QH 1 1 53.482387 -2.247438
M3 2QJ 1 1 53.482387 -2.247438
M3 2RB 1 1 53.481162 -2.248832
M3 2RD 1 1 53.482129 -2.249694
M3 2RE 2 2 53.481088 -2.248708