all postcodes in M3 / SALFORD

find any address or company within the M3 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M3 4LA 46 2 53.473668 -2.252087
M3 4LB 58 0 53.473495 -2.252734
M3 4LG 28 3 53.473822 -2.25129
M3 4LP 6 2 53.476333 -2.248832
M3 4LQ 3 3 53.475054 -2.251222
M3 4LY 12 11 53.474972 -2.251794
M3 4LZ 16 15 53.474452 -2.254757
M3 4NA 44 1 53.475733 -2.252989
M3 4NB 23 4 53.476298 -2.257919
M3 4NE 5 0 53.476091 -2.253895
M3 4NF 16 4 53.476099 -2.254121
M3 4NJ 27 1 53.475591 -2.252054
M3 4NN 33 0 53.475725 -2.252552
M3 4NQ 10 6 53.476003 -2.25287
M3 4NW 3 2 53.475816 -2.25213
M3 4PF 4 1 53.478206 -2.251856
M3 4PP 2 1 53.478223 -2.252293
M3 4PR 4 3 53.479208 -2.254002
M3 4QL 2 2 53.474596 -2.250827
M3 4RU 1 1 53.474845 -2.256192