all postcodes in M3 / SALFORD

find any address or company within the M3 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M3 5BX 1 1 53.483519 -2.252206
M3 5BY 29 0 53.484522 -2.249409
M3 5BZ 4 1 53.484594 -2.249666
M3 5DE 5 0 53.484279 -2.249815
M3 5DF 9 6 53.484538 -2.250374
M3 5DG 4 1 53.484476 -2.249997
M3 5DS 1 1 53.483519 -2.252206
M3 5DT 1 1 53.483519 -2.252206
M3 5DU 1 1 53.483519 -2.252206
M3 5DW 10 4 53.484806 -2.250327
M3 5EG 2 0 53.483498 -2.253396
M3 5EN 4 0 53.480686 -2.256406
M3 5EP 16 1 53.483165 -2.257976
M3 5EQ 3 2 53.483279 -2.255219
M3 5ET 1 1 53.482775 -2.255517
M3 5EU 1 1 53.482429 -2.25342
M3 5EW 72 1 53.482909 -2.251615
M3 5FP 2 1 53.482887 -2.256691
M3 5FS 13 12 53.482653 -2.252831
M3 5HF 4 0 53.481774 -2.261207