all postcodes in M3 / SALFORD

find any address or company within the M3 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M3 6BL 20 0 53.485843 -2.258278
M3 6BN 22 0 53.485229 -2.25945
M3 6BP 18 0 53.485001 -2.260925
M3 6BS 1 0 53.484447 -2.263634
M3 6BT 28 0 53.483876 -2.257633
M3 6BW 18 0 53.484872 -2.258287
M3 6BY 11 8 53.483495 -2.258382
M3 6BZ 6 5 53.483621 -2.258807
M3 6DB 9 4 53.483611 -2.25935
M3 6DD 135 0 53.48425 -2.259112
M3 6DU 16 0 53.484632 -2.26133
M3 6DX 38 0 53.484175 -2.260754
M3 6EE 18 0 53.487243 -2.263411
M3 6EG 15 0 53.487066 -2.261872
M3 6EN 1 1 53.483849 -2.265529
M3 6EQ 1 1 53.486333 -2.264415
M3 6ES 64 0 53.483626 -2.256848
M3 6ET 64 0 53.483626 -2.256848
M3 6EU 53 0 53.483626 -2.256848
M3 6FA 2 2 53.483538 -2.263295