all postcodes in M30 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M30 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M30 7BD 31 0 53.475245 -2.362142
M30 7BE 35 1 53.475914 -2.360987
M30 7BF 35 0 53.477753 -2.364602
M30 7BH 30 0 53.475911 -2.361921
M30 7BJ 7 1 53.477013 -2.360138
M30 7BL 3 0 53.479364 -2.358455
M30 7BT 17 2 53.477559 -2.366787
M30 7BU 17 1 53.476901 -2.367369
M30 7BX 15 0 53.476298 -2.36756
M30 7BY 55 2 53.476604 -2.370576
M30 7BZ 32 0 53.47579 -2.37209
M30 7DA 28 0 53.475541 -2.371049
M30 7DB 24 0 53.475918 -2.371353
M30 7DD 17 0 53.476343 -2.370694
M30 7DE 44 0 53.475706 -2.370026
M30 7DF 50 0 53.475252 -2.368771
M30 7DG 38 0 53.475748 -2.365144
M30 7DH 32 0 53.475631 -2.368247
M30 7DJ 43 0 53.475833 -2.36965
M30 7DL 24 0 53.476474 -2.368812