all postcodes in M30 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M30 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M30 8JL 9 0 53.493466 -2.376224
M30 8JN 19 1 53.493021 -2.374939
M30 8JP 36 0 53.491551 -2.376343
M30 8JQ 22 0 53.492366 -2.377436
M30 8JR 19 0 53.492715 -2.37777
M30 8JS 18 0 53.492926 -2.376536
M30 8JT 18 0 53.492996 -2.374366
M30 8JU 34 0 53.49526 -2.374778
M30 8JW 25 1 53.491808 -2.377596
M30 8JX 42 0 53.496152 -2.373882
M30 8JY 28 0 53.495837 -2.373999
M30 8JZ 8 0 53.495786 -2.37323
M30 8LA 34 0 53.495137 -2.373556
M30 8LB 34 0 53.49495 -2.373208
M30 8LD 12 0 53.494642 -2.371125
M30 8LE 36 1 53.494555 -2.373069
M30 8LF 12 0 53.493276 -2.373962
M30 8LG 10 0 53.496369 -2.370552
M30 8LH 39 0 53.493721 -2.372474
M30 8LJ 1 0 53.494982 -2.371671