all postcodes in M31 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M31 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M31 4BH 8 3 53.426783 -2.381113
M31 4BJ 1 0 53.433559 -2.386486
M31 4BL 5 0 53.4316 -2.392459
M31 4BN 10 0 53.41061 -2.432071
M31 4BQ 13 0 53.420332 -2.422841
M31 4BR 1 1 53.425203 -2.412807
M31 4BS 1 0 53.415077 -2.449193
M31 4BU 19 2 53.412228 -2.432058
M31 4BW 4 0 53.421394 -2.420083
M31 4BX 1 1 53.43302 -2.386888
M31 4DB 28 0 53.421205 -2.425137
M31 4ZU 4 4 53.43142 -2.400721
M31 4YR 3 3 53.43142 -2.400721
M31 4DE 12 0 53.421055 -2.424308
M31 4DF 4 0 53.42047 -2.42209
M31 4DG 14 0 53.418392 -2.422581
M31 4DH 31 0 53.42031 -2.418853
M31 4DJ 18 1 53.420737 -2.422407
M31 4DL 43 0 53.421599 -2.423004
M31 4DN 38 0 53.419973 -2.422702