all postcodes in M32 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M32 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M32 8BP 29 0 53.449047 -2.306403
M32 8BQ 22 0 53.44864 -2.307379
M32 8BR 23 0 53.44816 -2.308324
M32 8BS 24 0 53.447695 -2.307839
M32 8BT 47 0 53.447952 -2.309136
M32 8BU 23 1 53.449193 -2.309099
M32 8BW 8 0 53.449278 -2.307353
M32 8DE 1 1 53.45032 -2.317796
M32 8DG 22 0 53.450145 -2.312585
M32 8DH 32 0 53.447199 -2.308302
M32 8DJ 26 0 53.447227 -2.311178
M32 8DL 15 0 53.447197 -2.312864
M32 8DN 36 11 53.446438 -2.314244
M32 8DP 29 7 53.446861 -2.31381
M32 8DQ 42 0 53.448829 -2.314231
M32 8DR 62 0 53.450593 -2.31313
M32 8DS 10 0 53.450306 -2.31638
M32 8DT 16 0 53.449787 -2.315639
M32 8DU 38 0 53.450773 -2.316534
M32 8DW 15 0 53.446054 -2.313413