all postcodes in M32 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M32 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M32 9BA 38 23 53.445677 -2.30942
M32 9BB 32 20 53.445206 -2.310817
M32 9BD 17 15 53.445677 -2.30942
M32 9BG 34 0 53.445118 -2.317079
M32 9BL 1 1 53.445444 -2.30591
M32 9BN 1 1 53.445677 -2.30942
M32 9BP 24 3 53.445617 -2.315487
M32 9BQ 29 0 53.445292 -2.319173
M32 9BS 25 0 53.444477 -2.314666
M32 9BT 32 0 53.443626 -2.313515
M32 9BU 14 0 53.444306 -2.315011
M32 9BW 15 0 53.445478 -2.316901
M32 9BX 26 0 53.443575 -2.315818
M32 9BY 20 0 53.444787 -2.316339
M32 9BZ 19 0 53.444358 -2.315463
M32 9DA 20 1 53.44433 -2.319437
M32 9DB 19 1 53.4442 -2.317449
M32 9DD 35 0 53.445395 -2.327681
M32 9DE 48 0 53.444536 -2.322902
M32 9DF 15 0 53.445256 -2.322576