all postcodes in M32 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M32 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M32 0BD 22 0 53.454094 -2.31174
M32 0BE 21 0 53.453825 -2.314931
M32 0BG 7 0 53.450461 -2.298252
M32 0BH 16 0 53.453114 -2.314986
M32 0BJ 16 0 53.45328 -2.313601
M32 0BL 47 0 53.453095 -2.312215
M32 0BP 8 0 53.453436 -2.312428
M32 0BQ 8 0 53.454778 -2.314275
M32 0BR 35 0 53.450052 -2.310431
M32 0BY 10 0 53.449825 -2.300702
M32 0DA 27 0 53.450614 -2.308718
M32 0DB 17 0 53.451475 -2.309372
M32 0DD 10 0 53.451127 -2.308616
M32 0DE 20 0 53.451012 -2.307757
M32 0DF 11 1 53.450887 -2.307365
M32 0DG 24 0 53.45226 -2.30474
M32 0DH 18 0 53.451577 -2.308394
M32 0DJ 10 1 53.451988 -2.309059
M32 0DL 29 0 53.45245 -2.307662
M32 0DN 19 0 53.451555 -2.30618