all postcodes in M33 / SALE

find any address or company within the M33 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District

M33 / SALE

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M33 4FS 17 0 53.409471 -2.336205
M33 4FT 20 0 53.41001 -2.339443
M33 4FU 9 0 53.40926 -2.340701
M33 4FW 18 0 53.408272 -2.340603
M33 4FX 6 0 53.408562 -2.339883
M33 4GA 15 0 53.416712 -2.346809
M33 4GE 56 0 53.416435 -2.361612
M33 4GF 72 0 53.411378 -2.338913
M33 4GG 60 0 53.413069 -2.362892
M33 4GJ 54 0 53.419002 -2.359768
M33 4GN 55 0 53.419002 -2.359768
M33 4GP 43 1 53.41618 -2.359578
M33 4GQ 52 1 53.412772 -2.359519
M33 4GR 82 0 53.415899 -2.357469
M33 4GS 60 0 53.414405 -2.354929
M33 4GT 62 1 53.417245 -2.355164
M33 4GU 40 0 53.417991 -2.35529
M33 4GW 75 0 53.417967 -2.360346
M33 4GX 51 0 53.413141 -2.362862
M33 4GY 2 2 53.413932 -2.356309