all postcodes in M34 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M34 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M34 2HX 0 53.449359 -2.146724
M34 2HY 0 53.448694 -2.146541
M34 2HZ 0 53.450064 -2.143233
M34 2JA 0 53.450325 -2.143459
M34 2JB 0 53.450143 -2.144829
M34 2JD 0 53.450937 -2.142965
M34 2JE 0 53.4505 -2.139349
M34 2JF 3 53.450548 -2.129125
M34 2JG 0 53.454731 -2.149558
M34 2JH 0 53.450365 -2.139725
M34 2JJ 0 53.45428 -2.15055
M34 2JL 2 53.455749 -2.114428
M34 2JN 0 53.450942 -2.138628
M34 2JP 1 53.454895 -2.11435
M34 2JQ 0 53.454568 -2.149934
M34 2JR 0 53.456566 -2.148194
M34 2JS 0 53.456574 -2.148736
M34 2JT 0 53.456609 -2.149369
M34 2JU 0 53.456142 -2.149141
M34 2JW 0 53.455415 -2.148431