all postcodes in M35 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M35 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M35 0BD 1 0 53.507027 -2.168921
M35 0BE 11 0 53.510436 -2.160068
M35 0BF 16 0 53.50919 -2.164497
M35 0BG 5 3 53.505356 -2.174508
M35 0BJ 2 2 53.504797 -2.174444
M35 0BL 8 1 53.509409 -2.16204
M35 0BN 18 15 53.504661 -2.176465
M35 0BP 1 1 53.504661 -2.17636
M35 0BQ 17 1 53.5093 -2.163035
M35 0BS 1 1 53.503745 -2.174349
M35 0BT 4 0 53.508892 -2.164147
M35 0BU 6 0 53.510363 -2.161244
M35 0BW 1 1 53.50531 -2.17499
M35 0BX 3 3 53.506298 -2.169582
M35 0BY 1 1 53.50522 -2.173858
M35 0BZ 1 1 53.505906 -2.172051
M35 0DB 4 2 53.506999 -2.169645
M35 0DD 2 0 53.511237 -2.158306
M35 0DE 41 0 53.511993 -2.158808
M35 0DF 20 0 53.511172 -2.160976