all postcodes in M38 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M38 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M38 0BF 27 0 53.528562 -2.418111
M38 0AA 2 0 53.525147 -2.430203
M38 0BN 15 0 53.529696 -2.427671
M38 0BQ 6 0 53.528599 -2.427962
M38 0BR 38 0 53.529579 -2.420173
M38 0BS 41 0 53.529851 -2.42707
M38 0BT 8 0 53.531548 -2.427554
M38 0BU 39 0 53.529693 -2.428516
M38 0BX 33 0 53.529956 -2.427976
M38 0BY 22 0 53.528465 -2.430254
M38 0BZ 21 1 53.5274 -2.428825
M38 0DA 13 0 53.528265 -2.42823
M38 0DY 5 0 53.528351 -2.432002
M38 0DB 17 0 53.529057 -2.433141
M38 0DD 34 0 53.52953 -2.431517
M38 0DE 8 0 53.530589 -2.43198
M38 0DF 28 0 53.529311 -2.43248
M38 0DG 31 0 53.531103 -2.436436
M38 0DH 28 0 53.529867 -2.432697
M38 0DJ 25 0 53.530277 -2.433681