all postcodes in M38 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M38 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M38 9ER 12 0 53.536714 -2.415672
M38 9ES 10 0 53.537301 -2.414893
M38 9FA 37 0 53.536115 -2.41719
M38 9FD 12 0 53.536707 -2.417588
M38 9FE 49 0 53.538938 -2.419526
M38 9FG 5 0 53.538106 -2.421132
M38 9FH 17 0 53.538753 -2.421184
M38 9GA 12 0 53.53282 -2.408512
M38 9GB 16 0 53.533228 -2.409934
M38 9GD 8 0 53.53325 -2.411549
M38 9GE 6 0 53.536188 -2.414233
M38 9GF 46 0 53.535282 -2.413741
M38 9GG 20 0 53.531106 -2.412795
M38 9GH 38 1 53.533827 -2.418615
M38 9GJ 32 0 53.533106 -2.419121
M38 9GL 30 0 53.532751 -2.417866
M38 9GN 17 0 53.532394 -2.417213
M38 9GP 30 0 53.532782 -2.41423
M38 9GQ 28 0 53.531687 -2.413706
M38 9GR 6 0 53.53152 -2.412058