all postcodes in M38 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M38 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M38 0DL 21 0 53.530766 -2.435074
M38 0DN 11 0 53.530376 -2.436232
M38 0DP 40 0 53.529521 -2.43648
M38 0DQ 38 0 53.529123 -2.437124
M38 0DR 14 0 53.531938 -2.434091
M38 0DS 35 0 53.531451 -2.43475
M38 0DT 16 0 53.531003 -2.434232
M38 0DU 15 0 53.531969 -2.435645
M38 0DZ 38 0 53.53212 -2.430985
M38 0EA 14 1 53.529506 -2.425738
M38 0EB 10 0 53.530026 -2.426015
M38 0ED 8 0 53.525383 -2.434778
M38 0EE 12 0 53.524606 -2.430954
M38 0EF 8 0 53.527861 -2.428226
M38 0EG 29 0 53.529724 -2.435079
M38 0EH 17 1 53.529986 -2.424536
M38 0EJ 11 0 53.529449 -2.426522
M38 0EN 46 1 53.524901 -2.431469
M38 0EP 41 0 53.525812 -2.435491
M38 0EQ 12 0 53.527821 -2.436598