all postcodes in M4 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M4 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M4 6FD 34 0 53.483472 -2.221419
M4 6EH 7 0 53.484125 -2.218318
M4 6EL 14 0 53.483849 -2.220696
M4 6EN 4 0 53.483749 -2.221072
M4 6FE 7 0 53.484144 -2.217701
M4 6FF 14 1 53.484139 -2.219266
M4 6FJ 23 0 53.483601 -2.219551
M4 6FL 8 0 53.483115 -2.21988
M4 6HB 1 0 53.486155 -2.223588
M4 6JB 1 1 53.483178 -2.229284
M4 6JG 15 15 53.484991 -2.226114
M4 6LN 18 15 53.48427 -2.226168
M4 6HF 0 53.484403 -2.222371
M4 6JW 6 53.485092 -2.224879
M4 6DE 18 53.481189 -2.226365
M4 6JA 91 0 53.483602 -2.228593
M4 6EQ 0 53.481053 -2.22222
M4 6DH 80 5 53.4805 -2.223406
M4 6DN 99 0 53.480484 -2.223408
M4 6DT 27 0 53.480484 -2.223408