all postcodes in M40 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M40 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M40 3GP 14 2 53.515486 -2.161445
M40 3GQ 18 0 53.51454 -2.162738
M40 3GW 35 0 53.515916 -2.162547
M40 3HD 1 1 53.516187 -2.161372
M40 3HY 35 2 53.521994 -2.167759
M40 3HZ 18 0 53.5223 -2.167263
M40 3LA 14 0 53.522431 -2.170355
M40 3LB 12 0 53.522056 -2.168287
M40 3LD 10 0 53.521356 -2.167742
M40 3LE 8 0 53.521461 -2.169446
M40 3LF 12 0 53.521118 -2.170908
M40 3LG 34 0 53.522225 -2.169314
M40 3LH 10 0 53.520454 -2.169865
M40 3LJ 13 0 53.517867 -2.168859
M40 3LL 16 0 53.519162 -2.168125
M40 3LN 13 8 53.520503 -2.16724
M40 3LP 30 0 53.520708 -2.168403
M40 3LQ 13 0 53.521426 -2.168933
M40 3LR 12 0 53.521784 -2.170322
M40 3LS 16 0 53.520354 -2.170332