all postcodes in M40 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M40 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M40 9DH 14 0 53.510177 -2.195216
M40 9DJ 8 6 53.510277 -2.193737
M40 9DL 8 0 53.510528 -2.195082
M40 9DN 35 1 53.509351 -2.195031
M40 9DP 16 0 53.510158 -2.196015
M40 9DQ 13 0 53.508226 -2.194692
M40 9DR 44 0 53.508732 -2.194094
M40 9DS 6 0 53.509101 -2.192344
M40 9DT 39 0 53.508437 -2.193067
M40 9DU 7 0 53.508578 -2.194771
M40 9DW 4 0 53.509066 -2.193025
M40 9DX 14 0 53.508909 -2.195663
M40 9DY 12 0 53.509509 -2.197188
M40 9DZ 24 0 53.509153 -2.195226
M40 9EG 25 1 53.508981 -2.190401
M40 9GE 19 1 53.517244 -2.188402
M40 9GG 15 0 53.517423 -2.188825
M40 9GH 6 0 53.516492 -2.192033
M40 9GJ 16 2 53.517565 -2.189851
M40 9GL 12 0 53.516753 -2.191853