all postcodes in M40 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M40 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M40 2EH 7 4 53.502625 -2.185382
M40 2EP 1 1 53.502469 -2.187326
M40 2EQ 9 0 53.501734 -2.185785
M40 2ER 4 0 53.501141 -2.190167
M40 2ES 10 0 53.501449 -2.19008
M40 2EU 7 0 53.500937 -2.189897
M40 2EW 6 0 53.501351 -2.189205
M40 2EX 6 0 53.501119 -2.188481
M40 2EY 2 0 53.501656 -2.188496
M40 2EZ 10 0 53.501506 -2.188377
M40 2FA 21 0 53.503154 -2.186032
M40 2FB 18 0 53.501345 -2.187607
M40 2FD 16 0 53.501359 -2.184321
M40 2FE 7 3 53.502143 -2.189119
M40 2FF 1 1 53.502278 -2.188712
M40 2FG 17 0 53.502041 -2.185319
M40 2FJ 13 0 53.501018 -2.189506
M40 2FL 11 0 53.501684 -2.188951
M40 2FN 24 0 53.500903 -2.188299
M40 2FP 12 0 53.501294 -2.185436