all postcodes in M41 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M41 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M41 5DB 35 0 53.447556 -2.366423
M41 5DD 8 0 53.448016 -2.366005
M41 5DE 29 0 53.447905 -2.366938
M41 5DF 5 1 53.448866 -2.367232
M41 5DH 22 0 53.447392 -2.370141
M41 5DJ 20 0 53.447508 -2.370503
M41 5DL 22 2 53.44782 -2.371364
M41 5DN 13 1 53.448764 -2.371237
M41 5EZ 10 0 53.448269 -2.374244
M41 5DP 14 2 53.448788 -2.375227
M41 5DQ 7 0 53.447711 -2.365777
M41 5DR 4 53.449681 -2.371094
M41 5DS 0 53.448352 -2.370751
M41 5DU 0 53.447934 -2.372374
M41 5DW 1 53.449413 -2.376317
M41 5DX 2 53.445691 -2.373106
M41 5DY 0 53.448576 -2.373282
M41 5DZ 0 53.44849 -2.372635
M41 5EB 0 53.448376 -2.365978
M41 5ED 1 53.448726 -2.366102