all postcodes in M43 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M43 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M43 6DU 5 53.479105 -2.151301
M43 6DW 0 53.47709 -2.145689
M43 6DX 0 53.476387 -2.146727
M43 6DY 0 53.476424 -2.144812
M43 6DZ 0 53.476523 -2.14617
M43 6EA 1 53.477169 -2.14688
M43 6EW 0 53.476827 -2.147662
M43 6EB 0 53.476528 -2.149349
M43 6ED 0 53.473183 -2.150226
M43 6EE 0 53.47519 -2.147973
M43 6EF 0 53.475182 -2.147129
M43 6EG 9 53.479688 -2.15266
M43 6EH 0 53.47432 -2.147036
M43 6EJ 0 53.474638 -2.143677
M43 6EP 2 53.479238 -2.145998
M43 6EQ 1 53.479545 -2.15174
M43 6ER 0 53.478861 -2.152807
M43 6ES 0 53.478313 -2.152609
M43 6ET 0 53.477593 -2.153029
M43 6EU 0 53.477068 -2.155935