all postcodes in M44 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M44 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M44 6BA 39 4 53.440305 -2.420254
M44 6BD 1 1 53.440007 -2.418068
M44 6BF 15 0 53.445168 -2.417683
M44 6BG 16 0 53.445112 -2.420723
M44 6BH 41 0 53.438424 -2.426122
M44 6BJ 10 0 53.440873 -2.419688
M44 6BL 1 1 53.437986 -2.422836
M44 6BP 14 6 53.436866 -2.426979
M44 6ZQ 11 8 53.437573 -2.425255
M44 6BQ 14 0 53.445601 -2.419795
M44 6BR 12 2 53.444051 -2.420939
M44 6BS 22 0 53.445147 -2.418676
M44 6BT 39 0 53.444003 -2.419312
M44 6BU 36 0 53.444122 -2.418741
M44 6BW 12 0 53.445707 -2.417778
M44 6BX 26 0 53.444356 -2.418563
M44 6BY 30 0 53.445771 -2.417387
M44 6BZ 22 0 53.446126 -2.418821
M44 6DA 39 1 53.447199 -2.420247
M44 6DB 18 0 53.448406 -2.417112