all postcodes in M45 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M45 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M45 7EF 1 0 53.541477 -2.291438
M45 7EG 16 0 53.542314 -2.290643
M45 7EH 10 0 53.538227 -2.293543
M45 7EJ 8 0 53.539184 -2.291527
M45 7EL 22 1 53.542099 -2.289825
M45 7EN 29 0 53.540526 -2.290541
M45 7EP 51 0 53.54089 -2.292294
M45 7EQ 47 1 53.540954 -2.292007
M45 7ES 8 0 53.544305 -2.292483
M45 7ET 18 2 53.544835 -2.292743
M45 7EU 33 0 53.545218 -2.293483
M45 7EW 29 0 53.540884 -2.291177
M45 7EX 5 1 53.546128 -2.293175
M45 7EY 14 1 53.545391 -2.296777
M45 7EZ 10 1 53.544067 -2.294489
M45 7FA 33 0 53.543135 -2.293335
M45 7FB 33 2 53.542823 -2.292352
M45 7FD 2 2 53.553233 -2.295201
M45 7FG 39 1 53.543712 -2.292736
M45 7FH 19 0 53.539161 -2.293836