all postcodes in M46 / MANCHESTER

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Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M46 9GJ 17 1 53.531328 -2.496331
M46 9GL 5 0 53.530012 -2.481848
M46 9GN 14 0 53.527561 -2.478455
M46 9GP 7 0 53.534645 -2.47398
M46 9GQ 9 0 53.520257 -2.482265
M46 9GR 7 1 53.522093 -2.486343
M46 9GS 9 0 53.536992 -2.471501
M46 9GT 10 0 53.535742 -2.474007
M46 9GW 5 0 53.529057 -2.473193
M46 9GX 9 0 53.530588 -2.481523
M46 9GY 19 0 53.534468 -2.471141
M46 9GZ 12 0 53.534114 -2.471952
M46 9HA 25 0 53.538413 -2.471396
M46 9HB 20 0 53.536027 -2.47229
M46 9HD 5 0 53.535494 -2.473099
M46 9HE 14 0 53.535029 -2.474738
M46 9HF 8 0 53.534542 -2.472847
M46 9HG 27 1 53.530003 -2.472751
M46 9HH 20 1 53.533799 -2.474272
M46 9HJ 20 0 53.536091 -2.469635