all postcodes in M4 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M4 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M4 1LU 20 1 53.483986 -2.234743
M4 1LW 30 12 53.483636 -2.234515
M4 1LX 23 2 53.483761 -2.234983
M4 1LY 22 0 53.484515 -2.235229
M4 1LZ 24 0 53.484129 -2.234985
M4 1NA 12 12 53.484088 -2.236535
M4 1NB 1 1 53.483167 -2.235417
M4 1PB 14 0 53.483656 -2.237695
M4 1PD 6 5 53.482752 -2.235942
M4 1PE 83 4 53.483332 -2.238176
M4 1PN 65 3 53.482847 -2.237932
M4 1PQ 1 1 53.482065 -2.237716
M4 1PW 10 10 53.482518 -2.236197
M4 1PY 49 0 53.48343 -2.238493
M4 1QB 12 8 53.482789 -2.238969
M4 1QF 2 2 53.482548 -2.238063
M4 1SH 1 1 53.482175 -2.236979
M4 1BG 5 0 53.484763 -2.235951
M4 1BH 29 0 53.484793 -2.235682
M4 1BJ 28 0 53.484513 -2.236359