all postcodes in M5 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M5 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M5 3DD 19 0 53.469704 -2.280069
M5 3DF 13 0 53.470183 -2.278927
M5 3DG 35 0 53.468833 -2.279777
M5 3DJ 1 1 53.471373 -2.281556
M5 3DN 25 0 53.470327 -2.279169
M5 3DP 52 0 53.470456 -2.277603
M5 3DQ 27 0 53.470155 -2.27959
M5 3DT 12 0 53.470495 -2.280315
M5 3DY 29 0 53.470874 -2.279639
M5 3EA 4 4 53.466293 -2.282035
M5 3EB 9 9 53.466389 -2.283255
M5 3EE 4 4 53.46612 -2.282892
M5 3EH 8 1 53.465366 -2.282133
M5 3EJ 17 17 53.465349 -2.282134
M5 3EN 2 1 53.471011 -2.270993
M5 3EQ 11 9 53.465198 -2.281048
M5 3EW 1 0 53.465876 -2.283342
M5 3EX 24 1 53.469348 -2.278831
M5 3EY 6 3 53.467313 -2.280279
M5 3EZ 32 19 53.467986 -2.276864