all postcodes in M5 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M5 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M5 4LS 1 53.481088 -2.273949
M5 4LT 8 53.480575 -2.270888
M5 4LY 3 53.479875 -2.270115
M5 4LZ 2 53.479404 -2.267429
M5 4NB 5 53.480526 -2.267843
M5 4NE 3 53.482475 -2.264238
M5 4NF 1 53.480344 -2.268942
M5 4NT 0 53.486752 -2.272976
M5 4NW 0 53.484138 -2.272657
M5 4NY 1 53.484038 -2.273472
M5 4NZ 0 53.483033 -2.272697
M5 4PE 1 53.483416 -2.270289
M5 4PF 7 53.482845 -2.267827
M5 4PX 0 53.482204 -2.265625
M5 4QA 1 53.482899 -2.268567
M5 4QE 0 53.477791 -2.284898
M5 4QF 0 53.478665 -2.284015
M5 4QG 7 53.480109 -2.292402
M5 4QH 10 53.478492 -2.281483
M5 4QQ 0 53.479686 -2.289099